
Satisfied customers worldwide

References based on 135 kWel modules

Ikunochoinono – Japan

The biomass CHP plant in Ikonuchoinono consists of six of our WE-135C systems.

Ikunochoinono – Japan

Die Holzverstromungsanlage in Ikonuchoinono besteht aus sechs unserer WE-135C Anlagen.

Mühlbach Südtirol Italien Maschinen und Rohre Referenz BHKW Wegscheid Entrenco

Muehlbach – South Tyrol

In Muehlbach, South Tyrol in Italy, a manufacturer of glued laminated timber (glulam) uses a biomass cogeneration plant to generate electricity and heat at low cost.

Bamberg Deutschland Referenz WegscheidENTRENCO

Bamberg – Germany

In Bamberg, our wood-fired power plant is used to heat the Bambados adventure pool.

References based on 50 kWel modules

Spa Hotel Abukuma Referenz Blockheizkraftwerk WegscheidEntrenco

Abukuma – Japan

At the Spa Hotel Abukuma, located in a Japanese village in Fukushima Prefecture, biomass CHP units are used for water heating, air conditioning, floor and street heating.

Sustainable Village Naruko (Japan) Referenz WegscheidENTRENCO

Naruko – Japan

In the ”Sustainable Village Naruko”, energy is generated for own use as well as a hot spring bath in Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Previously unused forest resources provide the fuel for a local combined heat and power plant.

Kushima Krankenhaus Japan Referenz Blockheizkraftwerk Wegscheid Entrenco

Kushima – Japan

At Kushima Municipal Hospital in Miyazaki Prefecture, a biomass cogeneration plant is used for independent and decentralized energy supply for disaster prevention or mitigation.

Saatgut Pellet Fabrik Japan Referenz WegscheidENTRENCO

Tanagura – Japan

A cogeneration plant was installed at a seed pellet factory in Tanagura, Fukushima Prefecture, to reduce CO₂ emissions and the cost of pellet production.

Are you interested?

Contact us now free of charge and without obligation. With a little information about your needs, the location of your business and what your expectations are, we can advise you on how a biomass cogeneration plant can be used for your business.
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