Wood gas plant in Japan: heat and electricity from wood chips

The biomass CHP plant in Ikonuchoinono consists of six of our WE-135C systems.

The electricity and heat produced are sold and serve as a local supply network.


Power generation
6x 135 kWel

Heat generation
supplies 6x 270 kWth

Special advantages
Low maintenance

Doubled know-how with WegscheidEntrenco since 2023

Since 2023, WegscheidEntrenco has stood for teamwork — and for double the energy.

With doubled know-how, our experience and our passion for innovation, together we are driving forward an independent, cost-effective and sustainable energy supply based on biomass even more effectively.

This plant was manufactured and installed by Bioenergie Wegscheid in 2013.

Are you interested?

Would you like to know whether a biomass cogeneration plant is worthwhile for you? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you.
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